Editor: Alan De Angelo
Publisher: Daryl Hutchins
Contact: [email protected]

Greetings and Salutations from the pollen-filled air of the Midwest. Spring is bursting at the seams around here. Waves and waves of rain keep on trucking through. Your cichlids should be responding by spawning or getting prepared to do so. Ain’t love grand!
Not much news has come in so I will focus on the Aquatic Triple Crown Convention which is shaping up to be a humdinger of an event. (Yes, I said humdinger. LOL!)
Rusty’s Fish House Tour still has a few spots left. There were two additional buses added due to the high demand. If you can act fast, you may be able to get a spot. Rusty has a 1,700 sq.ft. high-tech fish house containing some really great rare and unusual fishes along with some more common fare. It is a trip well worth taking if you are interested in cichlids, livebearers and how to create a dynamic fish room. There is even a huge koi pond that Chris Biggs has had the pleasure of swimming in. Truly a site to see. The koi pond, that is. Well, Biggs in the pond was a sight to see, too. Check out Chris “The Mad Aquarist” Biggs’ YouTube channel. It’s entertaining and you might learn some stuff, too.
And plan on being at the convention. It’s always great fun.
I’m getting psyched for the trip to Louisville. How about you? Register NOW!
For more information go to convention.cichlid.org.
Humphead fans will be interested to know that a new Steatocranushas been named. Steatocranus masalamasoso was formerly known as S. sp. Lefini or S. ubanguensis. Construction of a hydroelectric dam on the Lefini River may have already made this species extinct but this small species can be easy to overlook and it may be found in other areas. Let’s wait and see.
I really need to start writing things down as I read somewhere that there is a new Aquidens sp. that has been named; it may be Ae. superomaculatum but again, I’m not certain. This whole having a job thing interferes with my fishy endeavors.

Dione Warwick almost got it right with her song “What the world needs now is love, sweet … more articles for the Buntbarsche Bulletin that arrives digitally on your screen.” Writing for BB is fun and lucrative. BB pays for your submissions. Articles, drawings, photos, short tips and tricks of the trade, anything involving the cichlid hobby can be sent to our dear beloved Editor Daryl Hutchins, who you can reach via email at: [email protected].
Elections are coming up and we need your bios if you are wishing to run for the BOT. Take an interest in making the ACA better and run for office. I’ve been on the Board four times and it was a great experience. So, consider running and send your bio to [email protected] to get on the ballot. We have five (5) positions to be filled this year.
After a long hiatus, the ACA BOTY Contest is back! If your aquarium club has a Breeder’s Award Program you are eligible to participate in the BOTY Contest.
Please contact Andy Hudson at [email protected] for entry forms, rules, and contact info.
Started nearly 20 years ago, the ACA Breeder of the Year Contest was designed to encourage the breeding of cichlids by recognizing outstanding breeders and clubs for breeding cichlids.
We need your help in making it successful again. If you are a BAP Chair for an aquarium club, we need your entries. It’s free to participate and entry is simple, just fill-out the forms.
Top awards for individuals and clubs.
Awards to be presented at the Triple Crown Convention.
That’s all for now,

Send your cichlid-related news/events to the AN Editor at [email protected] and we will be happy to help you spread the word about your local events. Please allow six weeks lead-time.