Editor: Alan R. De Angelo
Greetings and Springtime Salutations!
Spring has arrived in a most peculiar way this year. Usually, the Robins come first, then the Red-Winged Black Birds are soon to follow. This year though, the Red-Winged Black Birds arrived, then came the Vultures. Odd and just a little bit ominous! But the Robins finally arrived about 10 days later and Spring is now in full swing. If you scan the skies like I do in the Spring, you can find the source of the loud calling of the Sand Hill Cranes as they migrate. This year, I have never seen so many of them as they migrated en masse. Wave after wave of thousands of Sand Hills soared overhead. It was a really neat thing to experience. Nature, you gotta love it!
On to things aquatic …
Have you noticed? The ACA is now firing on all cylinders and is rolling along quite nicely. The Website is running, the Forum is up, the CRC is smoothly integrated, BB is going strong, TP is on the CRC, the AN is keeping you informed, Back Issues, Special Publications, Advertising, the Convention, Membership, the new Photo Contest, the Aquatic Experience, Breeder’s Award Program, Show Sanctioning, Speaker Program, PVL and GDJ Funds, CARES (Did I miss anything?) are all doing great. Rather than naming individuals, I am just going to say this … I am so proud of the way that so many people came together and rejuvenated the ACA over this past year and a half and I am honored to have been able to join forces with them. They are all outstanding individuals. Show them some appreciation and at the Convention … Hug A Cadre Member! LOL! (I may be sorry for starting this.)
If you think that you would like to join the group of elected officials that keep the ACA running smoothly, the ACA BOT elections will be taking place soon. Send your bio to me ([email protected]) or Daryl Hutchins ([email protected]).
What if the Academy Awards gave out live Oscars, like goldfish at the carnival, instead of those gold trophies that only collect dust? Imagine, all of those people getting into a great hobby instead of wasting their time ingesting too much booze and putting illicit drugs in their bodies. We all know that spending money on bigger tanks and rarer fish is much more fun to do.
The ACA is lucky to have many fine sponsors. Amongst them, Zoo Med has repeatedly been there for us. In fact, they have generously been assisting the ACA by helping with the cost of printing the BB for us paper-type people. I much prefer a sheet of paper in my hands above a digital screen output. Ah, I miss the days of papyrus and cuneiform. Those Sumerians had the right idea.
I just renewed my TFH subscription for another three years. I have been faithfully reading TFH since I first found it in my grade school library. The first copy that I bought was the February 1969 issue. It was mauve and grey with leaf fish on it. I still have it in a box of treasure somewhere. If you have been reading my “Adventures in Cichlidom” series in BB, you learned about Rudack’s House of Tropicals where, at age 14, I bought my early issues. As I got older and busier, I no longer made trips to the shops as often and I subscribed. It is still a great source of information and supports the ACA in numerous ways. If you don’t already subscribe, you should.
Please, look at who sponsors the ACA by reading their ads in the BB and patronize these fine companies.
There were no new props to vote on recently but that is not saying that nothing is going on. Be sure to make your Convention reservations! As always, it will be a blast! Also, don’t forget the Aquatic Experience in the Fall and the ACA sanctioned “CICHLID SHOW” that will be there. You won’t want to miss either of these events.
Several months ago, I and Daryl were kicking around ideas of how to get more articles and badly needed photos. The ACA, after almost 50 years of publishing BB, never built a photo archive. So, I suggested that we run a photo contest so we can:
a) get an image library built;
b) create a competition for all, not only ACA members;
c) keep me from bothering people who post on FB with their great photographs and artwork; and
d) have some fun.
Well, let me tell you, no sooner had I mentioned the idea, our awesome cadre group had created the ACA PHOTO CONTEST. Please go to the website cichlid.org, cursor over to Community and click on the Photo Contest button. This is a monthly photo competition and from the entries we have already received, the competition is tough! The trophies are very nice too!
Please send us your cichlid-related news and events and we will be happy to spread the word for you. Allow 6 weeks lead time. Thank you. [email protected].
You can now check/edit your Contact Details on CRC yourself when you move or change your e-mail address. And it is simple … give it a try.
Log-in to cichlidae.com
Click username in Welcome Panel
Select the Edit Tab and make changes
Click Save
As usual, please write an article for BB. It really is fun to see your words in print. If you have a hard time writing, we will be glad to give you a hand dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. Let us have the chance to work with you.
Have a great couple of weeks and now that it is warming up, look for those egg plaques and mouthfuls.
Please go to the convention website at acaconvention2016.com for more information and to register, book your hotel room, etc.
You can support the ACA by shopping at AmazonSmile