Editor: Alan R. De Angelo
Greetings and Salutations!
The second coming of winter that April brought us seems to have slid into Spring. The Midwest is experiencing glorious temperatures right now, 77°F, and clear skies. The Great Blue Herons have returned, as well as the White Egrets shortly after. Northern Shovelers are diving in the pond shallows and a lone Western Grebe has stopped by. Scaup are on the lake a half-mile away and robins are everywhere. Yes, I do believe that Spring is finally here to stay.
I waited until mid-April to send this issue out in case there was more news to present, but there is not much new going on in the ACA right now. Behind the scenes? Well, that’s a different story. The Convention is being worked on, as is the preparation for the fish show at the Aquatic Experience to be held in the Fall, along with several other projects.
Speaking of the Convention, have you made your reservations yet? Don’t wait too long as the hotel is booking up fast. The Marriot chain always has wonderful accommodations so expect to be comfortable, if not pampered, during your stay in Covington, KY right across the river from Cincinnati, OH. Be sure to register for the tours, the talks and the Banquet. Visit the Convention site acaconvention2016.com.
Prop 16-2: |
To accept the bid for the 2017 ACA Convention by the chosen host club. |
It is customary to not disclose the location of the following year’s convention site as it is announced at the current year’s Awards Banquet. So, you will just have to attend the Convention and Banquet to get in on the news!
Like I said earlier, the ACA has been busy with things behind the scenes so there was only the one Prop to report on.
The results of the March contest are in. The winners can be viewed via the ACA Facebook page. There were over 30 entries. Thanks to all who contributed.
The April contest is in full swing and growing day by day. Remember, even non-ACA members can contribute so tell your photography minded buddies about the contest.
We are hoping that the next two in print copies of BB will be on sale at the ACA Convention. Keep a look out for them if you, like me, enjoy the print version as well as the digital. Also, as usual, share your thoughts and experiences with the rest of us by submitting an article to BB.
Perhaps you may want to attach an article to the photo that you enter in the ACA Photo Contest?
Send your short bio to me at the AN email address if you wish to join the ACA BOT. The “official” announcement will occur in BB, as the By-Laws state, but why wait? If you would like to help out with the club or have a vision of how to improve things, please feel free to run for the BOT or accept a position in the cadre. Send your bio to [email protected] Remember, you will enjoy the ACA more by getting involved.
Please send us your cichlid-related news and events and we will be happy to spread the word for you. Allow six weeks lead time. Thank you. [email protected].
You can now check/edit your Contact Details on CRC yourself when you move or change your e-mail address. And it is simple … give it a try.
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As usual, please write an article for BB. We would really like to see your words in print. We will be glad to give you a hand dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. Let us have the chance to work with you.
Hey, it’s beautiful out right now so I’m going to go and soak up some sunshine. Have a great remainder of the month and I’ll catch you next time.
Go to the convention website at acaconvention2016.com for more information, to register, book your hotel room, etc.
You can support the ACA by shopping at AmazonSmile