ACA News
Volume 3, #3 March 2017
Editor: Alan R. De Angelo
[email protected]
Greetings and Salutations!
While we still have some time left in March, I thought it prudent of me to get a March newsletter out to you. Life has been busy and is only getting busier for me right now. But, there is always time to talk about fish!
A few months ago, my 200 gallon show tank turned into a green cloudy mess. I do not know what happened. This tank had been set up for 15 years with no new fish for at least a year. I got down to the basement family room and what a mess. It was so clouded with green algae that I couldn’t see the back of the tank. So, I began a regimen of large water changes, left the lights off except during feedings. Algae can’t grow without light, right? I used only small feedings to reduce the bio-load that could feed the algae and I waited. I changed more water, waited, made more water changes and repeated this cycle to no avail. What the heck was going on?
I was in contact with Tim Hovanec, our ACA Treasurer, concerning budgetary concerns of the association when a light bulb went off! I have a big water problem and I’m in contact with the owner of Dr Tim’s Aquatics, I asked Tim for help. After a short discussion of what’s going on, he recommended using two of his products: first, Sludge Away and then, Clear Up. That did the trick! The tank is now crystal clear.
While this may seem like a shameless plug for our Treasurer’s business, the products worked as promised and I thought that I would share my experience with all of you. Please, do yourself a favor and check out There are a number of fine aquarium products for you to use.
Don’t forget to patronize all of the fine ACA sponsors, too. They make great aquarium products.
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What do Cherry Barbs, White Cloud Mountain Fish, Amatitliania nanoluteus and Tropheus sp yellow Murago all have in common? Besides all being fishes that I have personally kept and bred, they are all on the CARES preservation list. The ACA is renewing its efforts to become engaged with the CARES preservation program. As Chair, I have asked the BOT to elect Tom Koba into the new position of ACA CARES Liason. I would like you all to welcome Tom and help him get the ACA back into the CARES family. Look to the April issue of the ACA NEWS for more information.
CARES has revamped its website, too. Please take the time to visit to learn more about the new and improved CARES organization.
Why keep endangered fish? Do they really matter? One BOT member seems to think that once a fish is out of its natural environment, it changes too much to be of any use. NOT! The fish have ingrained genetic predispositions for behaviors in certain environments and they quickly revert back to wild type. Keeping them in the aquarium will allow them to one day be reintroduced into the same or similar environments that they came from. Anyone working with color varieties of fishes knows that you need to be strict in your culling procedures as the fish will always revert back to wild type if not monitored. Behaviorally, one needs to look at the Discus. Even though many breeders raise the fish artificially, the fry will still feed off the next generation’s mucus coat and the parents raise them to term when proper conditions are met to make them feel at home. Angelfish, too! Commercially bred for so many generations yet good pairs still raise their broods. The instincts are still there and the wild type colors will return. Keep a few CARES fish and keep the genetic pool alive for future generations.
What about introducing new blood? Line breeding is bad? I had this very conversation with James Langhammer at the first ICC many moons ago. When done properly, with heavy culling, you can maintain a healthy line of fish indefinitely. “Hammer” used an example of reefs in Lake Malawi where a certain fish is found only on a single reef. Yet the population remains healthy due to proper culling or natural selection via predation. So, look over the CARES website and delve into species preservation and maintenance a little more.
Be sure to register for the ACA Convention in Novi, MI and get that room reserved sooner, rather than later. See you there.
The website is up and fully functional. You can now register for the convention and reserve your room online …
Previously, at an ACA Convention …
This is 13-year-old Aidan Carlson with his first tank. He came to the ACA Convention in Cincinnati last year, which has fired his interest in the hobby. He loves it and is planning to attend Novi this year.
By the way: he has already moved to a 29 gallon and wants to set up the 10 gallon with different fish. His Mom bought three small tanks for his younger brothers and herself too.
ACA now pays for BB articles. If you are an author and want to know the details, please contact the Editor: Daryl Hutchins at: [email protected].
Rates are comparable to other magazines, so please consider sending your articles and photos to the ACA for publication.
Goto: > Community > Photo contest.
Send your cichlid-related news/events to the AN Editor at [email protected] and we will be happy to spread the word for you. Allow six weeks lead time. Thank you.
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