Volume 4, #2-3, February-March 2018
Editor: Alan R. De Angelo
Contact: [email protected]
Greetings and Springtime Salutations!
In my neck of the woods, Springtime is not far behind when I hear the squawking of the Sand Hill Cranes migrating north again. Robins come too early some years, red-winged black birds are unreliable, too. The female red-wings actually arrived first which is odd. But the Sand Hills are the true barometers of the warming trend to come.
Not much is happening in the ACA right now, so I have little news to report. The BOT has sent out a survey of the members use and opinion of the CRC. It should have arrived in your Inbox recently. Please take the time to fill it out and return it. Thank you!
On the conservation front, we are still waiting to hear about the reestablishment of the PinStripe Damba (Paretroplus menarabo) into Lake Tseny in N-W Madagascar.
The Wild Caught video is nearing completion. I have received an e-mail recently from Don McConell, the videographer and he is getting things finished up. Interesting to note though, is that the Rio Negro is experiencing an unusual drought. Here are Don’s words:
I want to let you know about something really strange that is happening on the Rio Negro at the moment. There is drought during high-water rainy season!
Sao Gabriel is having water shortage problems and I just contacted people at Daracua and they tell me that their beach is the same height as extreme low water! This is sure to have some serious impact on piaba stocks next season.”
It will be interesting to follow this story as it unfolds. Google “Rio Negro drought” to find out more.
We are also waiting on a few more suggestions for future conservation projects to get involved with. I will fill you in on those as they evolve.
If you have not yet enrolled on the ACA Members FB page, please do so now (ACA members only). Thanks!
Please check out the link to get more information about our annual convention that will be held in Houston this year. Indications are that a lot of CARES fish will be represented. As usual, all of our conventions are full of fish, friends and fun.
Plan to be there for the festivities.
That’s about it folks. I have been extremely busy these past few months but I am already planning my topic for the April newsletter. No, it will not be an April Fool’s joke, either. Stay tuned.
Be excellent to each other!
(with a little influence from Bill & Ted)
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BB submissions pay (funds can be directed to Research or Conservation projects in your name)! Authors/photographers please contact the Editor for details: [email protected].
You do not need to be an ACA member to submit material for publication (you are welcome to put part of your payment toward a membership).
NB: ACA does not assume copyright of images, neither are images submitted for publication added to a database without permission. In the event that we desire to re-use an image in other projects, permission would be sought and supplementary payment is guaranteed.
New Membership Structure:
$35 Annual ACA Membership.
Life Memberships — build your membership levels incrementally and move up in rank. All memberships above the basic Life Membership will be published annually in an ACA publication to recognize your contributions to Conservation, Research and Education.
$1000 LIFE Membership — all current Life Memberships still honored, no increase in dues. This and all higher-level memberships receive a Life Membership to the ACA.
Higher levels of donation/membership:
$1250 Patron Member;
$1500 Endowment Member;
$1750 Benefactor Member;
$2000 Conservation Member;
$2500 Legacy Member;
Chairman’s Circle (individual donations of $5000+)
You can also include the ACA in your estate plan as several members have already done. Please visit the link below.
General Donations
You can also donate smaller or larger increments, make personal or corporate donations, etc at the link below. It is only by your support that the ACA can maintain its leadership in Cichlid Conservation, Research and Education. Remember, it is tax deductible. Please find out more at the link below:
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Life Memberships/Donations
You can very easily give your friends/family an ACA Gift Membership, bringing them all the benefits attendant thereto. A lasting gift that has flow-on beneficial effects via the ACA’s research and conservation
programs, etc.
To organise an ACA Gift Membership, please:
1) Send payment(s) of $35 per gift membership to the ACA PayPal account at [email protected].
2) Send an email to ACA Treasurer, Tim Hovanec, at [email protected] with a CC to ACA Membership Coordinator, Claudia Dickinson ([email protected]), stating that you have just
sent money for a gift membership/s and the names and email addresses of the recipients.
3) Each ACA Gift Membership recipient will then receive an ACA Gift Member email with a copy to the
gift-giver, followed by email welcome letters from the ACA and CRC.
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Send your cichlid-related news/events to the AN Editor at [email protected] and we will be happy to spread the word for you. Allow six weeks lead time. Thank you.
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Check/edit your Contact Details on CRC yourself when you move or change your e-mail address. It’s so simple … try it.
Go to cichlidae.com and click your username in the Welcome Panel
Select the Edit Tab and make changes
Click Save
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Simply go to smile.amazon.com, choose the American Cichlid Association as your charity and Amazon will donate 0.5% of each purchase to the ACA!
It’s easy and basically free money. Please help spread the word.