Volume 5, #5, May 2019
Editor: Alan De Angelo
Contact: [email protected]
Greetings from the Midwest,
Alright, it finally (sic) happened, I made a little slip. The ACA-NECA Convention will be held in Cromwell, CT. Connecticut, not New Jersey. Sorry about that. Thanks to Paul Loiselle for calling attention to that little geographic mishap. You know, I got so caught up in envisioning the festivities that it got by me. So, make your plans to attend the convention in Cromwell, CT. If there is a Cromwell, NJ and you go there, you may be all alone and miss out on all of the fun.
Let’s talk about FaceBook
If you are like me, you belong to a number of FB groups. Cichlids, livebearers, bettas, characins, you name it and there is a group or 20 for the topic. The one thing that I notice about all of the people on these groups, from all across the globe, typing in all manner of languages, is that fish people are just that, fish people. I see guys in Russia admiring big plecos, Ukrainians drooling over featherfins, Iranians keeping Tropheus and Venezuelans eating their prized earth-eaters, oh, uh, I mean Argentinians showing off Malawi Cichlids. It’s amazing, all over the world, fish people just want to be fish people. If only governments could get along that way. Building and sharing with a common goal in mind.
While on the topic of FB, the ACA FB page has 5400+ members. We have rebuilt it slowly but surely and our presence is growing. But, as I look around FB I see that the Greater Chicago Cichlid Association has 3700 members, which is better than a lot of groups, the OCA has a tidy number of 7300 members while some specialty pages are doing better than I thought. The lowly convict, actually one of my favorite cichlids and the Rodney Dangerfield of cichlids (“I get no respect!”), has a following of 2627, Apistogramma 4967 and, are you ready for this one, Angelfish Enthusiasts International has a whopping 75,789 followers. Wow! My hearty congratulations to Brenda Carpenter, the head honcho of the site. She should be proud of her accomplishments.
If you are not on the ACA FB site, please join it and after that, invite all of your friends to “Like” it, too. The more members we have, the larger the community of cichlid keepers we have and the more information we can share. That’s what it’s all about. Help us grow the ACA FB site. Type in American Cichlid Association, “Like” the site and invite all of your friends to like it, too. Thanks.
And remember, be kind when discussing things on FB. It’s only FB! People may have differing opinions, different methods, techniques, and that’s okay. But, also remember, the person responding may know a helluva lot more than you on a topic so be open to suggestions and other ideas. Or, conversely, they may be a neophyte and are going to ask what you may think are dopey questions. It’s all a part of learning. Be kind! One thing that I have learned on FB is that you can argue until you are blue in the face and no one is going to change their opinion. Instead of making enemies, just move on. Or, and here is a novel thought, use your computer, you know, the awesome power of the internet, and do some research on your own instead of asking others’ opinions, look for facts!
FB can be a touchy subject for some. The ACA Convention is a great way to meet people. One only has to go down to the Hospitality Suite for a refreshment and you can meet all manner of people. I remember at the Cincinnati convention, I sat down at a table of what I thought were complete strangers to have some lively conversation when the man I sat next to, turned my way, read my name tag and said “Hey, you unfriended me!” I looked at his name tag and saw that it was none other than Erwin Gundrum. I said: “Yes, I did. You were playing some goofy game and my whole feed was Erwin did this and Erwin did that and I had enough.” After a good laugh and some playful jabs, we renewed our friendship on FB. It was a great way to actually meet Erwin. By the way, his gaming adventures no longer appear on his feed. Thank goodness!
Have you ever gone to the ZooMed website and looked at the products that they have for aquarium keeping? I recently did and got a real education about what they offer. Holy Cow! I never realized the number of Betta products that they carry. Anyone that keeps a Betta or two, and who doesn’t, can make a palace for their long-finned buddies. ZooMed also makes a variety of the bare-chested mermaid models for the aquarium. I counted 11 different mermaids and bathing beauties. What a collection you could have! Tack on foods, filters, power heads, thermometers, LED lighting and the products keep coming. Perhaps the best product for me is the 50 gallon Low Boy Frag Tank. After seeing this tank, it got the wheels turning. What would I put in a 48″x24″x10″ tank. Hmmm! What immediately came to mind were Apistogramma, Pelvicachromis, Laetacara, Julidochromis, cylindrical Neolamprologus, Shellies galore, Teleogramma, Steatocranus and many, many more. Oh, and what a great tank to breed Pearl Gouramies in. However, after a quick email to ZooMed, I found that, apparently, no glass top is made since it is supposed to be a frag tank. I’m sure that any serious aquarist could find a way to remedy that. Two pieces of glass, a hinge and you’d be in business. Check out the ZooMed website and find out all they have to offer!
Donate to the BABES!
Go through your stuff, see what you don’t want or need anymore and donate it to the BABES Auction. Remember, one person’s junk is another person’s treasure. You could always buy something new for the BABES auction or get your creative juices flowing and create a work of art, a quilt, a painted toilet seat, whatever and donate it. It’s all for a great cause, cichlid research and conservation.
(See the bottom of this newsletter for shipping address, if required.)
From what I see on the FB sites/pages/groups, there are a lot of people who enjoy typing long diatribes about many topics. Why not harness that energy and write an article for BB? You have proven that you can write, so use it for the ACA. You even get paid! Daryl, Hutchins, our ever-lovin’ BB Editor will jump for joy at your submission and maybe even do the happy dance. Send your articles, art and photos to Daryl: [email protected].
The Convention is fast approaching
Please register and make your room reservations soon. Go to the ACA or NECA websites or look at the ACA Convention Page on FB for the particulars. Oh, and did I mention that it’s in Cromwell, CT? What’s better than a weekend of Fish, Friends and Fun! Many thanks to all of our convention sponsors.
A word of Thanks!
Periodically, I get soft-hearted and make sure that I give credit to those around me. Yes, I can share the fame, fortune and lime-light of being the ACA News Editor. If you were not aware, I write the words for the AN but Daryl Hutchins makes it all pretty and sends it out via email. Without Daryl, you would have none of the cool graphics and color images, etc. So, a special thanks to Daryl Hutchins for his help. I hope he is blushing like a Cryptoheros panamensis now. π‘
Send your biography to me at [email protected] to become one of the BOT candidates. Lend your special talents to the ACA to keep it running on-track.
Sad News
The hobby has lost another great one. Our hearts and prayers go out to the Jinks family.
Rest in Peace
Larry Jinks
β Honored Life Member of NJAS;
β Former NJAS President and Breeder’s Award Program Chair;
β One of the country’s most accomplished fish breeders, winning the NEC’s Breeder of the Year on several occasions;
β Winner at numerous fish shows across the country since the 1990s;
β Friend of the organized hobby and to hobbyists of all levels;
β Modest, generous, and welcoming always.
Larry was retired and living in Raleigh, NC area at the time of his passing, surrounded by family, after a very brief and rare illness. He was active in his local club and fishroom up until recently.
Tributes to Larry will be many in the next weeks, both on social media and at meetings around the region. Please keep Larry’s family in your thoughts and prayers.
Godspeed old friend.
Ted Coletti
That’s all for now. Don’t forget about the fish with the arrival of nice weather!
β Alan
Babes In The Cichlid Hobby are seeking donations for the famous Babes In The Cichlid Hobby Silent Auction. It will be held this year at the ACA Annual Convention in Cromwell, CT, July18-22, 2019.
It is all for a worthy cause! All of the money (100%) will go to the Guy D. Jordan Endowment Fund, Paul V. Loiselle Conservation Fund and Stuart M. Grant Conservation Fund; you pick where you want your donation to go.
Please bring your donations to the convention. If you can’t make it, and you are willing to donate, please send your donations to us at the hotel. Cut-and-paste the address below. And remember if you don’t have anything to donate, you can always bid high on something that catches your eye or make a cash/check contribution. All donations are tax deductible.
Pam Marsh β (Guest Arriving 7/17/19)
Red Lion Hotel Cromwell
100 Berlin Road, Cromwell, CT 06416
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Cichlid Power!
Pam Chin
Buntbarsche Bulletin #1-296 is now available on an updatable/re-usable, 32GB USB via BB Back Issues for
* $24.95 *
* $24.95 *
Buntbarsche Bulletin submissions pay!
Authors/photographers please contact the Editor for details: [email protected].
You do not need to be an ACA member to submit material for publication (you are welcome to put part of your payment toward a membership).
ACA does not assume copyright of images, neither are images submitted for publication added to a database without permission. In the event that we desire to re-use an image in other projects, permission would be sought and supplementary payment is guaranteed.
Funds can be redirected to Research or Conservation projects in your name if you prefer.
New Membership Structure:
$35 Annual ACA Membership.
Life Memberships β build your membership levels incrementally and move up in rank. All memberships above the basic Life Membership will be published annually in an ACA publication to recognize your contributions to Conservation, Research and Education.
$1000 LIFE Membership β all current Life Memberships still honored, no increase in dues. This and all higher-level memberships receive a Life Membership to the ACA.
Higher levels of donation/membership:
$1250 Patron Member;
$1500 Endowment Member;
$1750 Benefactor Member;
$2000 Conservation Member;
$2500 Legacy Member;
Chairmanβs Circle (individual donations of $5000+)
You can also include the ACA in your estate plan as several members have already done. Please visit the link below.
General Donations
You can also donate smaller or larger increments, make personal or corporate donations, etc at the link below. It is only by your support that the ACA can maintain its leadership in Cichlid Conservation, Research and Education. Remember, it is tax deductible. Please find out more at the link below:
Life Memberships/Donations
Gift Memberships
You can very easily give your friends/family an ACA Gift Membership, bringing them all the benefits attendant thereto. A lasting gift that has flow-on beneficial effects via the ACA’s research and conservation
programs, etc.
To organise an ACA Gift Membership, please:
1) Send payment(s) of $35 per gift membership to the ACA PayPal account at [email protected].
2) Send an email to ACA Treasurer, Tim Hovanec, at [email protected] with a CC to ACA Membership Coordinator, Claudia Dickinson ([email protected]), stating that you have just
sent money for a gift membership/s and the names and e-mail addresses of the recipients.
3) Each ACA Gift Membership recipient will then receive an ACA Gift Member email with a copy to the
gift-giver, followed by e-mail welcome letters from the ACA and CRC.
Gift Memberships
Gift Memberships
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Send your cichlid-related news/events to the AN Editor at [email protected] and we will be happy to spread the word for you. Allow six weeks lead time. Thank you.
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Check/edit your Contact Details on CRC yourself when you move or change your e-mail address. It’s so simple … try it.
Go to cichlidae.com and click your username in the Welcome Panel
Select the Edit Tab and make changes
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