Volume 5, #11, November 2019
Editor: Alan De Angelo
Contact: [email protected]
Greetings and pumpkin spice salutations!
What are you thankful for? Family, a new fish room, that recent spawn of Nannochromis dimidiatus, receiving this issue of the ACA NEWS?
Whatever it is, it is good to look back at the year, and, with a bit of introspection, realize that you have a lot of good things in your life to be thankful for. Too many people look backwards and focus on what they don’t have or what went wrong and feel bummed. A better tack is: Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead! You have to look forward, look at your strengths, and build upon the positives. Like Lucky, the one-eyed, one-legged, nuetered dog, you need to get up each day, wag what’s left of your tail and give it your best. And be thankful for the things that you have.
As Zig Ziglar said: “Don’t let the shadows of yesterday spoil the sunrise of tomorrow.”
In my search for things to get ACA involved with, I shot a quick email to Ad Konings about Lake Malawi. If you recall, I recently saw a YouTube video about a group that was helping fish farmers in Malawi. Well, Ad did not know about that group but he did tell me about Ripple Africa (rippleafrica.org).
Ripple Africa is a non-profit that, amongst other things, is getting the locals to stop using mosquito nets, having them use large-weave fishing nets and in the process, save the fish populations in those locations. The local food fish called “Chambo” is rebounding spectacularly. Chambo, Oreochromis lidole, and other fishes were being overfished to the point of near extinction. The mosquito nets, as you may know, were catching everything in their paths leaving no fish to breed and carry on future generations. The larger net weave allows juveniles and young breeding-age fish to escape capture.
What has occurred is a resurrection of the species. What is also important to note is that the mosquito nets were indiscriminate and caught everything, ornamental fishes as well. A starving population was eating them all.
Ripple Africa is focusing on the Nkhata Bay region right now and is trying to expand its program to other areas of the lake. That, of course, takes money. One would think that if other villages saw the success that the Nkhata Bay area was having and the return of large fishes for sustenance, they would follow suit but, alas, such is not the case. I guess that when your belly is empty, new things aren’t easily accepted and implemented. So, the local populations need to be guided.
I am discussing things with the head of Ripple Africa and will have a report to the BOT in the near future. The ACA may be able to help save the fishes of Lake Malawi by donating to the cause. More on this later.
The BOT election is over. Congratulations to:
● Jan Benes
● Steven Thornton
● Matt Skwarczek
● Mary Kane
● Tim Stone
If you have ever thought of running for the BOT, the next election cycle begins at the end of next summer. As usual, we will keep you posted.
AND as always, BB is in desperate need of articles, photographs, short stories, dissertations, helpful hints and personal experiences of the cichlid type. There is no need to have long, detailed articles. And, of course, if you are bashful, Daryl or I can edit your work and give it the polish that will make it shine. And, BB pays. Send your submissions to our venerable BB Editor, Daryl Hutchins, at: [email protected].
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
– Alan
[click for map].
Please make sure that the ACA has, at the very least, your current e-mail address. Otherwise we could lose touch. Your street address and/or phone number could prove useful too … just in case.