Volume 6, #12, December 2020
Editor: Alan De Angelo
Publisher: Daryl Hutchins
Contact: [email protected]
We approach the end of another year. Not the best of years, as years go, and many of us will be happy to put it all behind us. If there was any good that came out of it, many of us got to reconnect with our immediate family while staying home. Our fish got spoiled by the constant attention and hopefully, they are all in great shape (and the subject of upcoming BB contributions – BB Ed).
If you are an essential worker, absolutely none of the above is true. Hospital workers, physicians, truckers, grocery clerks, PPE manufacturers all worked their tails off. My hat goes off to all of you and you have my, and I’m sure all of our, many thanks.
While you may not have had the time to spend with your fish to spoil them, I am sure that you found relaxation and comfort in watching your tanks and caring for something in a less-than-stressful environment. This year is almost done and good riddance. Onward to a new, and hopefully better, New Year.
If you aren’t aware yet, the 2021 ACA Convention will be held in the St. Louis area. Please go to convention.cichlid.org for information. You can also find information on the ACA Convention FB site. Hopefully, the CoVid virus will be better-controlled or gone by then and we will regain our freedoms.
It would be jolly good of you [sic] to write an article for BB. The ACA even pays you to do it. If it seems like I mention this frequently, it’s because our grand old BB Editor needs your help to keep BB full of timely information. You do not need to write a long dissertation full of taxonomy, either. Share your experiences, good or bad, short or long. It’s all useful information to someone or to us all. Contact Daryl Hutchins at: [email protected]
As an example, I recently read a short article in JAKA (I’m a Life Member of the American Killifish Association too) about raising brine shrimp to adulthood, in quantity, outside in 20-gallon vats. No, you have no need to be in a southern climate, either. Of course, it will be more seasonal, but the author lived in NY and mentioned -15° weather. Basically, have the tubs facing east for the morning sun. Have a roof over them so they do not get diluted by rainwater as you want a specific gravity of 1.025 +/-. Let leaves, grass clippings, etc form crud that will accumulate in the bottom as this biofilm is what feeds the adults. Harvest the adults as needed. Sounds easy, right? I’m sure it’s a bit more complex than that and experience will make it easier.
Philip Charles Benes
February 24, 1955 ~ December 14, 2020
It is with great sorrow and a heavy heart that I must tell you all that our own Phil Benes has passed away all too soon.
Phil was our Convention Liason for many, many years. If there was a convention going on, he was racing around making sure it all went smoothly. But Phil was more than that, he was everything ACA, willing to help in any way he could for its success. He was also very active in his local club scene.
You may not know this but Phil was also a walleye fisherman. He and his wife Jan ventured to Canada most years to chase the finny beasts. I do, however, have it in an email somewhere stating that Jan caught bigger fish than he did.
Phil, you will be sorely missed.
Jan and Phil’s family have asked that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the ACA’s Jordan Fund or Loiselle Fund. These donations can be made through the ACA website’s Donation Page.
Be good everyone. Enjoy the holidays as best you can. Be safe and be healthy.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years!