Volume 8, #11 November 2022
Editor: Alan De Angelo
Publisher: Daryl Hutchins
Contact: [email protected]
Gobbles and a salutations!
As Turkey Day approaches here in the US, I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you that make up the ACA. From the BOT and cadre members, to the convention workers, our fabulous donors, authors and photographers, members old and new, thank you for being a part of the ACA.
BOT Election News
Thank you for all who voted. Unfortunately, less than 40% of you took the time to click on four boxes and send in your vote. Next year, please take the time to vote. It is very easy to do. Unlike government elections, ACA’s electronic voting system gives us the tallies in real-time so there is no drama or hanging-chad. Daryl, being the tech guy behind it, ensures a smooth operation. I would like to give thanks to him for all he does from the Great Southern Land, no less.
So, without further ado, the winners of the ACA BOT election for the upcoming year, 2023, are Jan Benes, Ron Coleman, Paul V. Loiselle and David Schumacher. Congratulations to these four. To those that did not win, thank you for your interest in serving on the BOT. There will be another chance next year. I hope that you will run again.
Gift Memberships
This Christmas, don’t forget that a gift membership would make a great stocking-stuffer for that cichlid friend or family member in your life. Go to cichlid.org today to purchase one for that special someone.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving to all that celebrate it and to the rest of you, have a great weekend and at least get some pumpkin pie. With whipped cream on top, of course. Lots of whipped cream. LOL!
ACA-CON 2023
Buntbarsche Bulletin Back Issues
You can purchase BB Back Issues and a flash drive containing all BBs at the website store – www.cichlid.org.
Speaking of BB, why don’t you send an article, illustration, photo, breeder report, helpful hint or cichlid observation to our BB Editor Daryl Hutchins – [email protected].
Be good, Santa’s watching!